Personal information
Full name: David Koutesh
Birthday: 15/12/2000
Nacionality: Czech Republic🇨🇿
Nickname: Hamstermania
VGC player career
Debut: Italy National 2015
Worlds qualifications: x5 (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019)
Best Result: Boston WCS TOP 8 (Senior)
Pokémon: Mega Kangaskhan
Social media
David “Hamstermania” Koutesh is a Czech VGC player. He started playing Pokémon as senior in 2015 and immediately had some great results such as a 12-0 result in nationals. He finished his first season showing his huge potential for the following years, with a TOP 8 in 2015 WCS.
In 2016, although he really didn’t like the meta, he went to Italy nationals and got his second worlds invite. David was average from that point on, however in 2017, he was victim of infamous 6-1 bubble, at one of UK regionals he placed 9th with that record, neverthless qualified for worlds that year.
From Prague Special on, David has apparently stepped up his game and started getting good results again, most notable being 7-0 at Worlds 2018 Day 1 with his hyper agressive Blazesharp combo.
In a similar way during 2019 and 2022, David managed to obtained huge international results. In VGC 2019, he got a Day 2 invite and finished that same year among the 32 best players in the world. That result would be improved a season later at London WCS where with a 6-1 record he advanced to the Top Cut (with an uncommon core including Dialga and Yveltal) and came home with an 11th place.
Czech Republic is a difficult country to play competitively due to its legal restrictions that don’t allow organize PCs or MSSs. In this way, if one Czech player wanted CP from these, he would have to go abroad, a huge problem regarding Worlds race that affects directly Koutesh.
World Championships
Pokémon WCS 2015 | Senior | TOP 8 |
Pokémon WCS 2017 | Master | Day 2 |
Pokémon WCS 2018 | Master | Day 2 |
Pokémon WCS 2019 | Master | TOP 32 |
Pokémon WCS 2022 | Master | TOP 16 |
International Championships
London International VGC 2017 | Masters | TOP 32 |
Europe International VGC 2022 | Master | TOP 64 |
Nationals, Regional Championships & Special Events
Italy National 2015 | Senior | Champion |
Bochum Regional 2015 | Senior | Champion |
Italy National 2016 | Master | TOP 8 |
Milan Special Event 2017 | Master | TOP 4 |
Vienna Special Event 2017 | Master | Champion |
Prague Special Event 2018 | Master | Champion |
Valencia Special Event 2018 | Master | Runner-up |
Lille Special Event 2019 | Master | TOP 8 |
Harrogate Regional 2019 | Master | TOP 8 |
Cannes Special Event 2019 | Master | TOP 8 |
Jönköping Regional 2019 | Master | Runner-up |
Sheffield Regional 2019 | Master | TOP 16 |
Bochum Regional 2020 | Master | TOP 8 |